Industry and Experience Track

The Industry/Experience track covers innovative implementations, novel applications of performance-related technologies, interesting performance results and experience in applying recent research advances to industrial situations on any of the topics of interest. The industrial track program committee will review all papers submitted in this track for originality, quality, soundness, and relevance.

Industry and experience track papers should be clearly marked in the text as “Industrial Paper” or “Experience Paper”. The expected size of the papers is 5-12 pages double column including figures, tables and references. Submissions are made via Easychair and must be in the standard ACM format for conference proceedings. More specifically, the double column formats have to be used for all paper submissions: Latex preferred, Word.

Submission deadlines are listed on the important dates page.

Double Blind Review

From this year on, ICPE adopts a double-blind review process for the research & industry/experience tracks (fall deadlines, papers that go into the main conference proceedings). Double-blind reviewing is intended to increase fairness and reduce implicit bias during reviewing. Authors are required to make a serious effort to anonymise their PDF submission and declare known conflicts of interest with PC members during submission. We provide an extensive guideline with FAQ to help the authors with the anonymisation of their submission. However, most important is that:

  1. Submitted PDFs do not contain an author list.

  2. Authors do not explicitly point at their own previous work in a way that would disclose their identity (“In previous work [1], we have shown that …”).

  3. Submitted PDFs do not contain links to the author’s home institutions, personal websites, or non-anonymous GitHub profiles, e.g., to point at data sets. Data can and should be uploaded to third-party services blinded. Instructions how to upload blinded data (which can be unblinded after acceptance) can be found here

  4. There are no acknowledgements of named persons or projects in the submitted PDF (evidently, acknowledgements can be added after acceptance).

Notably, double-blind reviewing does not preclude submitting work intended for ICPE to preprint services such as Arxiv. However, we ask authors to use a clearly different title for their preprint submission than for the PDF submitted to ICPE. The PC chairs retain the right to desk-reject submissions that are not sufficiently anonymised.

Authors will be requested to self-classify their papers according to the provided topic areas when submitting their papers.

The program committee may decide to accept a submission as a short paper (8 pages) if it is seen as a valuable contribution to the industry/experience track but not ready to be accepted as a full paper.

Authors of accepted papers are invited to submit an artifact to the ACM/SPEC ICPE 2020 Artifact Track.

Industry Chair

  • Yaoqing Gao, Huawei, Canada
  • Norbert Schmitt, University of Würzburg, Germany


Industry/Experience Committee